Monday, June 30, 2008

8 Ways To Help Ease Anxiety

When you feel an anxiety attack coming, your natural tendency is to stress and panic which leads to more anxiety. To help control your attacks, try these tips below to ease your anxiety.

1. Control your breathing. Your body needs oxygen in your blood to work properly. Quick, shallow breathing can worsen the feelings of anxiety and can cause your heart rate to increase. Breathe deeply by inhaling through your nose slowly, holding the breath a second or two, and then exhaling slowly as well. Proper deep breathing includes using your diaphragm. Put your hand on your stomach just below your belly button. You will be able to feel and see your abdomen rise with each breath you take in.

2. Many methods of relaxation are available through a search on the internet. Learn a relaxation technique or two and practice the method on a daily basis. When ever you start to feel anxious, begin your relaxation technique.

3. Get busy doing something. Instead of letting your thoughts and emotions take control, get busy by cleaning, organizing, bathing the dog, anything. If you are busy focusing on the task at hand, you will be diverting your thoughts from one which cause anxiety.

4. Get some exercise. Exercise can also divert thoughts but it will release a "feel Good" hormone as well. Take a walk, get on the treadmill, or shoot some hoops. Just do any type of exercise to get your body moving.

5. Laughter is good for the soul. Laughing also releases a "feel good" hormone. Try watching a comedy on the television, talk to a funny friend or relative, or read a joke book.

6. Think positive thoughts. Look around at all of the wonderful areas of your life. Remind yourself on a daily basis, or even hourly if needed, how many things are fabulous in your life. Remember that negative thoughts will just lead to more negative thoughts and anxiety.

7. Repeat an affirmation over and over again. Tell yourself something positive and calm. Repeat this several times until you feel in control of your thoughts again.

8. Picture yourself in a place where you are calm and relaxed. For some people this may be the beach, for others it may be the mountains, and for someone else it could be a meadow. Whichever place you choose, picture yourself there, surrounded by all the things you love.

Try these tips to help stop anxiety. These are all just general suggestions and are not meant to replace medical or professional advice. If your anxiety problems are serious, there are many professionals and programs to help you overcome anxiety. Please seek treatment and reclaim your life. You can stop anxiety.

You can live your life free of anxiety attacks. Please make your decision now to change your life for the better and get back into control. Go to for help today.

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